Airsoft Guns are replicas to scale of real firearms on which people can engage in simulated battles without the risk of being hurt by high-powered projectiles. They shoot plastic BBs, commonly 6 mm in diameter. Unlike paintball and laser tag it can be difficult to determine whether a player has been hit so airsoft relies on the honor system for scoring.
The guns used in airsoft can be categorized as either spring powered, gas (CO2, green gas), or automatic electric guns (AEG). Spring guns are single-shot devices that require the user to hand-cock the weapon prior to firing. This is accomplished by pulling back the slide or bolt handle (pistols) or forend pump or cocking rod (rifles). These are cheapest and easiest to maintain but are at a rate-of-fire disadvantage against automatic weapons in close combat. They also have a lower power and range compared to other types of airsoft guns.
AEGs are the most common type of airsoft gun and come in both semi-automatic and fully automatic models. They can fire anywhere from 10 to 14 rounds per second and have an accuracy of one-inch deviance at 20 feet unmodified. They are easier to maintain, repair and modify than spring powered guns but their performance lags when the gun gets damp or a battery dies.
The price for an airsoft gun can vary wildly depending on the model and features. There are low-end electric guns on the market for as little as $45 at Walmart and there are sniper rifles that can cost upward of $1,000. The middle tier of electric guns, typically referred to as AEGs by airsofters, can be found in the $180 – $240 range. airsoft Guns