Roof carpentry involves building and repairing the structure of the roof. It is a highly skilled job that requires knowledge of materials, construction specifications and building plans. Roofers must also be familiar with the weight of various exterior roof coverings and how they can affect the structural integrity of the roof. Other jobs in carpentry include flooring installers, cabinet makers and furniture builders.
A traditional pitched roof is constructed from inclined studs or rafters that meet at the peak and are supported by a V-shaped diagonal support called a cross brace. Wide roof spans require extra support, which is provided by a series of horizontal braces called girders. A roof truss can be made from timber species such as pine, spruce or fir or from manufactured lumber such as plywood or gypsum board.
Before you build the first rafter, examine the length of each joist to determine its overall length and whether it has any curves or “crowns” that must be straightened. You will need a framing square and movable stair gauges to make accurate cuts on the rafter boards, but once these are in place you will be ready to lay out your first pattern rafter.
If you are using pre-constructed trusses that are delivered to your site, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing them. Otherwise, you will need to install temporary braces that the trusses can rest on until sheathing and permanent bracing are installed. To do this, nail a two-by-six brace that’s 16 feet long to the center of the back wall, then nail another brace six feet to the left of this and another six feet to the right. roof carpentry