Hardness testers are vital instruments for a wide range of metal applications. The devices force a tool into a sample of metal or steel, creating an impression that is then measured. There are several different types of hardness tests, including the Brinell and Rockwell methods. Choosing the right type of tester will depend on the specific needs of your application. To ensure you get the most accurate results, it’s important to select a machine that is specifically designed for your desired application. Whether you need a portable Rockwell tester for sale or a more advanced model, you can find the best hardness testing equipment here at Penn Tool Co.

Metallurgical laboratories, quality control departments, failure analysis labs and commercial heat treaters rely on our selection of rockwell hardness tester for sale for measuring the effective hardness of their materials. Our state of the art, digital, portable hardness testers can be used directly to measure the most popular regular Rockwell scales or easily converted into HB, HV, HK and other scales. These machines also feature a high resolution digital display and USB data storage capabilities.

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The Rockwell (BH) method uses either a diamond cone or a steel ball to test the hardness of metals. The hardness value is determined by the penetration depth of the tool into the surface of the material and the size of the resulting indentation. This technique is particularly useful on hard, brittle materials or on thin layers of a material like coatings. This testing method can be very slow, up to 60 seconds, not counting the time needed for the preparation of the test piece. It is also only accurate on flat surfaces, making it less suitable for cylindrical parts.

The Vickers method of testing is similar to the Rockwell method but using a pyramid shaped indenter with a diamond indenter for small areas where the impression is hard to see. This method is more accurate than the Rockwell or Brinell, but it is still not suitable for use on thin materials or a large number of samples. The Knoop microhardness tester is another alternative to the standard Vickers test and uses a narrow diamond-shaped indenter for very light tests with low load. The measurement of the resulting impression can be made optically, but this can be a complicated and time-consuming process.

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