The holistic approach to cancer is to boost a person’s energy and immune system, to adopt an alkaline (and not acidic) diet, boost our intake of nutrition through food and supplements, to greatly reduce stress and negativity and negative thinking (because this depletes energy and damages the immune system), to ensure cells have adequate oxygen (through deep breathing and hydration), to cut out refined sugars and starches and even natural sugar, harmful fats and processed and junk foods from the diet and to greatly reduce consumption of meat and dairy products. This will greatly reduce your consumption of sugar- which feeds cancer cells.
Cancer cells feed on a low oxygen, acidic body/ph level and on sugar (especially refined sugar and starches). So, the holistic approach is to avoid or greatly reduce sugar consumption, make the body/ph level alkaline and boost the body’s oxygen level. Drink water with baking soda and fresh lemon to make your body more alkaline.
Engage in deep breathing and drink a lot of pure filtered or spring water – at least 10, 8 ounce glasses per day. Meditate and go into nature often to boost your oxygen level.Use an ozone machine to boost the oxygen in your water. Eat an alkaline diet (primarily whole fresh organic and raw vegetables with a lot of green, leafy vegetables) and use ionic foot baths to make your pH level more alkaline.
The holistic approach also advocates to greatly reduce exposure to toxins in the air, food and water, and that we use natural products and filter our drinking water. Toxins damage the immune system and compromise its ability to prevent cancer. Iodine deficiency may result from toxicity and iodine helps to de-toxify the body. So, look into iodine supplements. Also, look into the consumption of seaweed and kelp that contain iodine.
De-toxify your body with the high nutrient diet below and a lot of filtered water with fresh lemon and lime along with milk thistle and dandelion supplements, clinatro and liver, kidney and colon herbal cleanse supplements and water with apple cider vinegar. For detoxification, eat primarily green leafy vegetables such as fresh organic spinach, kale and collard greens along with fresh, chlorella, avocado, cilantro and parsley (drink a tea that is steeped in a bunch of clantro and parsely). Drink warm water with Himalayan salt and lemon and take colloidal trace mineral supplements. Himalayan salt is fully mineralized. Minerals help cleanse the cells of stored toxins. Also, drink water with one or two teaspoons of bentonite clay or diotomaceous earth for de-toxification. Take activated coal supplements and colloidal trace minerals.
The holistic approach is intended to be used in combination with conventional medicine and not in lieu of conventional medicine. With respect to any disease and its treatment, consult a physician.
Holistic-oriented research indicates that toxins in the air, food and water and in other products we ingest or put on our bodies and acidic foods damage the body’ cells and immune system and other bodily systems and permit cancer cells to proliferate. It is also clear from the holistic research that poor diet and nutrition and lack of exercise damage the immune system too. Stress and negativity drain a person’s energy and damage his or her immune system. All this leads to a sick body that cannot fight the proliferation of cancer cells in it.
The holistic approach helps you achieve and maintain balance, inner peace, peace of mind and high vibrations. The holistic approach involves daily meditation and prayer, expressing gratitude, positive affirmations, deep breathing techniques, exercise stretching, nutrition and energy body healing through Reiki and other types of energy healing. The holistic approach requires you to get plenty of rest and sleep. All of this will help you relax deeply and raise your vibrations at the same time- this is the state needed for healing.
Stop smoking. Stop drinking alcohol. To keep your immune system strong, stay warm and drink warm and hot water and not cold water. Work with your dental professionals to make sure there are no infections in your gums and teeth. If there are any infections, treat them. These types of infections can drain your energy and immune system. Natural antibiotics include large doses of vitamin C, oregano oil, clove oil and colloidal silver
Orient your beliefs and thoughts toward the positive. This can be done with positive affirmations. Know that you are whole and complete and that you will be healed and be well. Expel fears and worries because fears and worries harm the immune system. Focus on feeling good, vibrant and happy. This will strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system is important to prevent and heal disease.
It is important to keep the energy body (aura, chakras, meridians) clean and vibrant, removing energy blockages and attachments so that energy levels are high and life force energy flows freely through the body. This is done through Reiki and energy healing and emotional release techniques along with meditation and visualization techniques and positive thinking techniques. Yoga, stretching and exercise also help get energy flowing freely through the body for good health.
It is important to let go of the painful past and any stored anger, fear, worry, resentment, regrets and guilt. It is important to achieve and maintain peace of mind and balance and an ongoing feeling of inner peace and joy and cultivate positive thoughts and emotions (I.e., the ongoing flow of unconditional love felt in the heart and body leads to inner peace). This is done through meditation and being fully focused in the moment. This is also done through emotional release visualizations, deep breathing techniques, meditation and yoga.
It is important to maintain a healthy weight and to end obesity and smoking. It is important to reduce body fat (measured as BMI) to acceptable levels. The holistic approach to achieve this is through diet, exercise, stress reduction and natural supplements.
Many holistic health authors write that sugar (including high fructose corn syrup) and an acidic body from foods feed cancer cells. Sugar and acid come primarily from processed foods, meat and dairy and other food products that contain saturated fats and trans fats. You want to adopt a diet that starves cancer cells. In addition, you want a diet that contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants to build up the body’s immune system and energy level to fight the cancer cells.
As a result, it is important to consume a high nutrient, alkaline diet – a healthy plant-based diet diet that consists of whole, fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds with some whole grains. While healing, it is best to eliminate fruit (other than berries and perhaps a few grapes) because of the high sugar content of fruit. In any case whole, plant-based foods boost the energy level and the immune system, so the body can naturally fight disease and heal. These whole foods are alkaline (not acidic), do not contain refined sugar and provide the vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants the body needs for good health.
An acidic body and sugar feed cancer. So, check your PH balance and alkalize your body through the food you eat and avoid sugar. Raw, organic whole vegetables are best. They are filled with what your body needs- vitamins and minerals. Use them to make fresh salads and juices. Fresh vegetable salads and juices are best with lots of greens – and this diet will help to alkalize your body. However, you can also lightly cook and steam vegetables. Green leafy vegetables (like spinach, kale and collards) should form the base of your food pyramid and then comes other vegetables, especially beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,mushrooms and asparagus. All of these vegetables are filled with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Eat fresh garlic, onion, turmeric, ginger and coconut/coconut oil on a regular basis. A daily drink of water, aluminum-free baking soda and fresh lemon will helpalkalize your body. Drink a lot of oure filtered water and avoid coffee to keep your boy in an alkaline state.
Avoid processed, refined and junk foods, refined sugar and starch andand fats (other than olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and other natural plant based fats such as coconut, avocado, nuts and seeds – fish oil is fine especially from wild salmon) and even natural sugar (often found in fruit). Processed, refined and junk foods do not contain vitamins, minerals or anti-oxidants. Also, these foods are acidic and not alkaline and they raise blood sugar levels. Avoid or greatly reduce dairy and meat (dairy contains a lot of sugar and saturated fat- and saturated fat from dairy and fatty meats raise blood sugar levels). Sugar and acid feed cancer cells. So, acidic foods and sugar and fat should be avoided. Grains tend to be acidic. So, avoid or greatly reduce your consumption of grains and gluten. However, some believe that it is acceptable to eat a little red meat to boost your energy so long as it is organic and grass fed and so long as you keep your body in an alkaline state.
According to holistic research, sugar, a lack of oxygen, toxicity and acidity feed cancer. An alkaline, high nutrient plant-based diet, exercise, deep breathing and energy body cleansing and healing will hep reverse these factors.
The diet discussed above should help the body stay alkaline (as opposed to acidic). It will eliminate refined sugars, fat and starches that are in processed foods and substantially reduce meat that all keep the body acidic. The holistic research indicates that an alkaline body is best for cancer. CBD UK