Whether you want to learn German to travel or for a career opportunity, there are plenty of options available. You can take online courses, find a group class or even connect with a private tutor. The article below will help you find the right option for your needs and learning style.

Intensive courses
If you want to get an overview of the German language quickly, an intensive course might be your best bet. These courses are often taught in a classroom setting with a qualified instructor and can be very interactive. The lessons will also focus on pronunciation and practical phrases. You’ll be exposed to the German language from a new perspective, which is a great way to accelerate your skills.

A household name that’s been around for decades, Pimsleur has a solid reputation as an effective German learning tool. This is because it uses unconventional methods for a fast start to the language. It’s a totally audio-based program that involves spaced repetition of phrases within specific cultural scenarios. The lessons are easy to listen to while doing other tasks, such as commuting or cooking. It’s worth noting, however, that Pimsleur is only useful at the very basics of the language, and you’ll need to move on from it to something more broad-based. German lessons near me

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