Gallon per minute, or GPM, is a measure of the volume of liquid that flows over a unit of time. It is often used to describe water flow. Standard garden hoses typically have a GPM between 9 and 17 gallons per hour, though exact values depend on the hose’s size and water pressure.
The simplest way to calculate GPM is to use a container and time how long it takes to fill it. Divide that number by 60 to get the GPM.
A more precise method is to use a pressure tank. This involves putting the container under pressure, then measuring how many seconds it takes for the full volume to be drawn down. This can be more accurate than using a stopwatch because it can take the time between draws down into account.
For other types of liquid, such as oil, the formula is slightly different. It involves multiplying the specific gravity of the liquid by its flow rate. The resulting number is then divided by the corresponding conversion factor for each type of liquid.
Our gallons per minute calculator supports most of the common volume and flow rates in both English and Metric units. To change the unit, make sure it’s set to gallons per minute before entering the number. Then simply change the unit to liters per minute and the calculator will automatically convert the number. The converted figure will be shown in the Flow rate field. gallons per minute to litres per minute