A foreigner loan can provide much needed cash to help you deal with those unavoidable emergencies. These loans are typically given out by licensed money lenders in Singapore. They are available to both locals and expats working in the city-state. They are a great way to get your hands on some quick and easy cash, without all of the hassles that come with bank lending.
Foreigner mortgages
Most US banks and mortgage companies offer loan programs to U.S. citizens, but a growing population of non-citizens with work visas are looking to buy and hold real estate in the Land of the free and home of the brave.
One of the biggest challenges in this industry is identifying and providing the best mortgage options for these non-citizens.
Luckily, there are a variety of lenders with special offerings to cater to this group of borrowers.
The best part is that these lenders can make it as painless as possible for you to find the right home lender for your needs.
Using a reputable online service to help you search for lenders that suit your needs is the smart move.
You’ll also be happy to know that these lenders can offer you the most competitive rates and terms on a wide variety of loan products. These include: licensed money lender