If you have recently added a new phone number to your WhatsApp, you may want to know whether your contacts will be able to see it. This is a very important question, because it affects many aspects of your life. Here are some steps to take to ensure that people can’t view your new phone number in WhatsApp.
Verify a new number
If you’re planning to use WhatsApp on your new phone, you’ll need to complete a verification process. The good news is that it’s not complicated. As long as you’re prepared with all the necessary information, you should be able to easily complete the verification procedure.
To check the status of your number verification, head to Settings. From there, select the Account option. You’ll then be taken to the Change Number screen. This will display a number of options, including one to notify contacts. Alternatively, you can choose to share the new phone number with only your friends.
Once you’ve selected a contact to notify, you’ll be prompted to verify your new phone number. If you have a landline, you’ll need to enter your number. However, if you have a mobile, you can complete the process with just an SMS message.
In addition to SMS, you can also use an automated call. Using TextNow, you can receive a call from WhatsApp, which will deliver a six-digit verification code.
Unlike other messaging apps, WhatsApp does not automatically send verification codes via email or clickable links. If you guess the right verification code, you could be locked out of your account for a period of time.
A newer feature on WhatsApp allows you to switch from one number to another. Besides using the old mobile phone number, you can also enter a Skype or Google Voice number. Those numbers will be added to your list of contacts and you’ll be able to start chats with them.
Another popular way to set up your WhatsApp account is to use a landline. For this process, you’ll need to enter your phone number when called, as well as the country code. Afterwards, you’ll receive an automated call from WhatsApp, which will deliver the six-digit verification code.
Finally, you’ll need to activate the new phone number. After entering your phone’s number, tap OK. You’ll be notified that the verification is successful. Your number will appear alongside your name and profile picture.
Depending on your telephone provider, you may be required to wait before you can receive the SMS verification code.
Stop someone from viewing your “Last Seen” status
If you don’t want to let someone know when you were last online, there is a way to hide the Last Seen status on WhatsApp. You can also block others from viewing your last seen status. However, it’s important to note that you can’t hide when you’re typing. This may be due to security settings or privacy restrictions.
To stop someone from viewing your Last Seen on WhatsApp, you can either set the privacy settings to hide your last seen or remove the contact from your contact list. By default, everyone who is on your phone will see your Last Seen status. But if you turn it off, you can only hide it from specific contacts.
You can hide the Last Seen on WhatsApp by going into the Settings menu. You’ll find the option under Account and Privacy. From there, you’ll be able to disable the blue ticks and toggle the visibility of the last seen status.
The other option is to set the display to “Nobody”. This means no one can see your Last Seen. It’s also a good way to prevent people from adding you to a group.
Some messaging apps, such as Facebook Messenger, offer a similar feature. But you might have to use a third-party app to view this information.
Despite the fact that there aren’t a lot of options to customize the privacy of your Last Seen on WhatsApp, it’s possible. In fact, there’s a new privacy measure that’s rolling out.
With this new update, you’ll be unable to see when other users have last seen you. Instead, you’ll only be able to see if you’ve been online. Also, you won’t be able to read what they’ve been typing.
So, if you’re the type of person who wants to avoid being a nosy jerk, this new feature on WhatsApp might be just what you’re looking for. If you haven’t already, consider updating your version of the app. Just be aware that you might be able to see other people’s Last Seen information after you’ve updated.
Now that you know how to hide the last seen on WhatsApp, you can rest assured that you won’t be viewed by anyone.
Stop people from adding you to group chats without your permission
In recent years, people have been able to add you to group chats without your permission. While this has been a convenient feature to help you stay in touch with friends, it can also be a bit annoying. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to stop people from adding you to groups.
WhatsApp has recently introduced a new privacy setting, which enables you to choose whether or not you want to be added to a group. By default, this is set to Everyone. However, if you would prefer to be a part of a group that has your friends as members, you can change the settings.
You can also use the Report spam feature to block someone from sending you messages. This will send a report to your carrier, Google, and the other person’s account. Depending on the type of message you’re receiving, this may cause your phone account to be shut down. It’s a good idea to use this feature only if you don’t want to be spammed.
Another way to avoid unwanted group texts is to mute the group. To mute a group, hold down the group’s name. A menu will pop up. Select “Mute Messages” and you’ll be able to mute the conversation.
If you’re a Facebook user, you can also do your part to prevent others from adding you to group chats. The first step is to open your Facebook account and go to the “Groups” page. Once there, you can turn off notifications for any of the groups you’re currently a member of.
Facebook has a lot of features to help you stay in contact with your friends. You can even buy products through the site. But if you find yourself constantly getting unwanted notifications from your friends’ group chats, it might be time to take action.
There are many different ways to prevent unwanted group text on iPhone. One of the easiest methods is to use the Report spam feature. Alternatively, you can mute a conversation and put it on Do Not Disturb.
Set custom notifications for important contacts
If you are using an Android based smartphone, you can easily set custom notifications for important contacts. This will help you know if you receive a message from a contact you really care about. Alternatively, you can even make an alert tone a part of your ringtone. However, it can take some extra steps to get started.
To set custom notifications for important contacts, you need to open the Contacts app. You will then be presented with a list of your current notification sounds. Select the one that you want to use.
Then, you can either choose to save the sound file on your internal storage or store it in the Notifications folder on your phone. Once you have done this, you can then add a custom alert tone. That way, you can be assured that you will never miss a crucial message from a friend or family member.
In addition to the tone, you can also change the vibrate type. For instance, you can have a silent notification for important messages, or a high-pitched vibration for messages you would like to listen to.
If you want to set custom notifications for important contacts, you can use the app called Essential Contacts. This app is not used by all Google Cloud services. It will not show you all your email contacts. However, it will give you the option to set fallback contacts.
The contacts you want to set custom notifications for are added to your phone’s Contacts app. You can customize their language, their categories, and their alert tones. Also, you can search for notifications topics, and you can expand them to view more.
Setting custom notifications for important contacts is a great way to limit emails. Using your own custom sounds will help you to feel more confident. But if you need some assistance, you can always leave a comment. Moreover, you can also use the built-in sound recorder of your device for recording your own custom notifications. After you have finished recording your custom notifications, you can edit them with free audio editors on Google Play.