A call to a criminal defense lawyer is essential when you have been arrested for a crime that you have not committed. Only a lawyer can provide you real help when you have been accused of a crime. As soon as you are able to meet with a lawyer,

you should do so immediately. Although you may be afraid of the charges or the prospect of going to jail, you need to keep a clear head and have a consultation with a good lawyer.
If you have never been to jail before, you will surely find the stay a challenge. You will be booked, have your belongings taken away, and you may be placed in a cell with other people. As soon as you possibly can, you need to get in contact with your own lawyer who will make his presence known and make sure that your rights are granted.
You may be accused of a misdemeanor crime such as trespassing, a drug crime, or a felony crime. Whichever crime you are accused of a lawyer can tell you the best way to proceed. The lawyer will help you to avoid going to jail and help keep a criminal conviction from appearing on your record. The discussions that you have with your lawyer are confidential, therefore you can speak candidly and tell the lawyer all that you know regarding your case. When seeking a lawyer, you should ask the lawyer about his experience and education. It also helps if the criminal defense lawyer is included in publications, because that shows that he is an active part of the legal community.
Sometimes you have not been accused of a crime, but you have a friend or family who has been accused. It is a good idea to contact a lawyer on that person’s behalf. That is one of the best things that you can do to help and support the person. If the accused is in jail bailing, the person out of jail is equally important.
No two cases are alike, so you have to base your judgment on some of the similar cases that the lawyer has had and won. Research the lawyer’s cases and discover the wins. You can ask the lawyer about his experience with cases that are similar to your case as well. Be sure to take notes on the information that your lawyer gives you so you can check it later. Once you have hired the criminal defense lawyer, you will also need to take notes regarding the instructions that the lawyer gives you.
Be sure to follow your lawyer’s advice, and ask questions if you don’t understand something. Remember that the lawyer is trained in defending people and fighting for their rights. So, if you disagree with something that the lawyer says or his direction, humbly ask questions to learn more, and ask him the justification for his actions. Your lawyer shouldn’t try to keep any information from you. You should not try to keep any information from him as well. Anwalt