For those with a love for the ocean and the sealife that inhabit it, a real shark tooth necklace is an ideal accessory to wear. They are often worn by surfers, and have become a fashion trend. They are also believed to offer protection from evil spirits and have been popular amongst the Polynesian and Pacific Island tribes for centuries.
Those looking to purchase this unique type of jewelry should look for shark teeth that have been ethically sourced and made from genuine materials. They should be duller in color and have a rough texture as opposed to the smooth surface found on fake shark teeth. The shape and size of the shark teeth should also be a factor to consider. Those who want to make sure that they are purchasing a genuine shark tooth should look for the presence of ridges and grooves on the fossil.
For a more organic style, this necklace features a real Mako shark’s tooth in a handmade natural leather cord. It is a simple yet elegant style that will compliment any outfit. The Mako shark is subject to CITES II and this shark’s teeth are harvested legally in the United States.
Another option is this repurposed sharks tooth pendant, created from a fossilized bull shark tooth. The necklace is a simple design and it is perfect for any beach lover. The sharks tooth is wire wrapped and it has been repurposed to create an eco-friendly piece of jewelry that will last a long time. real shark tooth necklace